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Study Exchange – Short Course : Innate Immunity and Infectious Disease in Institute Pasteur of Cambodia

Study Exchange – Short Course : Innate Immunity and Infectious Disease in Institute Pasteur of Cambodia

[:id]Hello, I am Claireta ! I am a final year student in Bandung Institute of Technology majoring microbiology. Microbiology can be applied in many fields, but I have a specific interest in medical field. As a future scientist, we need exploring more knowledge and education. That’s why I surfed the internet and looked for an […]

[en]ICS Day 2014: Forming Scientific Application for The Citizens Based on Environment and Agriculture[/en][id]ICS Day 2014: Bentuk Aplikasi Keilmuan Kepada Masyarakat Berbasis Lingkungan dan Pertanian[/id]

[en]ICS Day 2014: Forming Scientific Application for The Citizens Based on Environment and Agriculture[/en][id]ICS Day 2014: Bentuk Aplikasi Keilmuan Kepada Masyarakat Berbasis Lingkungan dan Pertanian[/id]

[en] Giving contribution to the public is one of basic goals for students. There are a lot of things that can be done to reach that goal, one of them is by doing community service and development. Student union of Microbiology ‘Archaea’ ITB applied their knowledge through community service called Integrated Community Service (ICS) Day. […]

Fun Lab

Fun Lab

[en] By : Nathanael Steven Translation : Yovita Astuti Djohan Microorganisms are microscopic and invisible! If handled carelessly, these microorganisms can cause a lot of damage to human and the environment. In studying microbiology, students are not only required the theory, but also to master laboratory skills needed because a small mistake can be fatal. […]

[en]Outstanding Student Profile : Shabrina Al Husda[/en][id]Shabrina Nida Al Husda : Profil Mahasiswa Berprestasi[/id]

[en]Outstanding Student Profile : Shabrina Al Husda[/en][id]Shabrina Nida Al Husda : Profil Mahasiswa Berprestasi[/id]

[en] By: Mandala Ajie Translation : Tina Lusiany Shabrina al Husda is a microbiology student class of 2013 who has a lot of achievement both in national and international level. Shabrina, as her friends call her, is an outstanding student from SITH on 2013 and on fourth rank Outstanding Student at ITB on the same […]

[en]Students Internship 2014[/en][id]Kerja Praktek 2014[/id]

[en]Students Internship 2014[/en][id]Kerja Praktek 2014[/id]

[en] By : Mandala Ajie Translation : Nathanael Steven Internship is a college real work activity which is done by sixth semester students in their holiday. Internship is a mean for students to acquire working experience in a certain company or in an institution which later will be their working destination after finishing the bachelor […]

[en]RATNA EKA PUTRI: Score an Achievement by Making a “Speaking Writing”[/en][id]RATNA EKA PUTRI: Berprestasi dengan Membuat Tulisan Berbunyi[/id]

[en]RATNA EKA PUTRI: Score an Achievement by Making a “Speaking Writing”[/en][id]RATNA EKA PUTRI: Berprestasi dengan Membuat Tulisan Berbunyi[/id]

[en] Written By : Firda Fadhilah Translated by : Nathanael S. A writing is a media that provides scientific work. There is no doubt that writing is one of the key to scientist success. Ratna Eka Putri, one of the Microbiology 2012 class student has scored an achievement from her writing hobby. She, who was […]

[en]Firda Fadhilah : Making Achievements By Creating Chess Board Modification[/en][id]Firda Fadhilah : Berprestasi dengan Membuat Modifikasi Papan Catur[/id]

[en]Firda Fadhilah : Making Achievements By Creating Chess Board Modification[/en][id]Firda Fadhilah : Berprestasi dengan Membuat Modifikasi Papan Catur[/id]

[en] Written by : Ratna Eka P. Translated by : Nathanael S. Different from Munjin who had some achievement in the previous article,there is an ITB microbiology student who scored an achievement in field other than microbiology. Her name is Firda Fadhilah. Firda was born on December 7th 1994. She was one of the winners […]

[en]Microbiology Student Class of 2012 with Achievements outside 'Microbiological' Field[/en][id]Mahasiswa Mikrobiologi ITB 2012 yang Berprestasi di luar Bidang ‘Mikrobiologi’[/id]

[en] Written by: Ratna Eka P. Translated by: Nathanael S. All this time, microbiology students are always related to academic focus only. Various expressions such as “study oriented” are familiar to the microbiology study program students. This made people believe that a microbiology student can only do experiments, make journals, reports, and laboratory activities. Nevertheless, […]

[en]Begins Ramadhan with "Ngabuburit" SITH 2013[/en][id]Awali Ramadhan dengan Acara “Ngabuburit” SITH 2013[/id]

[en] Written by : Ratna Eka P. Translated by : Tina Lusiany On 2nd July 2014, iftar (break the fast) event has been held for SITH-Sains (SITH-S) and SITH-Rekayasa (SITH-R) students class of 2013. This event was held by Keluarga Mahasiswa Sekolah Ilmu Teknologi Hayati ITB or KM-SITH which consists of Himpunan Mahasiswa Biologi “Nymphaea”, […]
