[en]The Fifth Fermenstation[/en][id]The 5th Fermenstation[/id]
[en]On April 26 and 27 of 2014, the fifth Fermenstation, titled ‘The Taste of Local Wisdom’, was held exhibiting fermented foods from local ingredients from Indonesia. On first day,production workshop of fish sauce, yogurt, pickled mango, and strawberry cider was held. On second day, the workshop helddemonstrated the production of snow lotus, modified cassava, and virgin coconut oil.
Growol is a fermented dish traditional to Yogyakarta’s Kulon Progo people, made from cassava or yam. Peeled cassava is fermented by soaking in water for 3 to 4 days. Dominant microbes in the fermenting process includes Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Streptococcus, Perdiococcus, and Micrococcus.
Cincalok is a Malay food made by fermenting geragau shrimp (krill), rice, and salt. The fermentation occurs naturally by the bacterium present in the krill. Cincalok taste savoury and sour that it is often used to enhance flavor in sambal and many other cuisines.[/en][id]
Pada 26 dan 27 April 2014, Fermenstation ke lima yang bertajuk ‘The Taste of Local Wisdom’ diadakan dengan memamerkan makanan-makanan fermentasi dari bahan-bahan lokal dari Indonesia. Beberapa makanan yang dipamerkan yaitu cincalok dan growol.
Growol merupakan makanan tradisional berbahan dasar singkong atau ketela pohon. Growol banyak diproduksi masyarakat Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. Singkong yang telah dikupas difermentasi dalam air selama 3-4 hari dengan air rendaman yang diganti setiap hari. Mikroba dominan yang berperan dalam proses fermentasi adalah bakteri Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Streptococcus, Perdiococcus, dan Micrococcus.
Pada hari pertama dilakukan workshop pembuatan kecap ikan, yoghurt, asinan mangga, strawberry cider, sedangkan hari kedua dilakukan workshop pembuatan teratai salju, modified cassava dan virgin coconut oil.[/id]
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