If you are interested in continuing your education at the Bachelor Degree of Microbiology SITH-ITB, make sure to choose the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) as the university you are aiming for in the college entrance selection route you are following. The Undergraduate Microbiology Study Program is a science study program provided by the School of Life Sciences and Technology. Therefore, make sure you choose School of Life Sciences and Technology - Science Program (SITH-S) as your destination faculty.
Setiap mahasiswa baru yang berminat masuk ke Program Studi Sarjana Mikrobiologi SITH-ITB akan mengikuti Tahap Persiapan Bersama (TPB) selama satu tahun dan akan memulai perkuliahan dengan mengikuti mata kuliah di Program Studi Sarjana Mikrobiologi SITH-ITB pada semester kedua.
For further information about the admission please visit https://admission.itb.ac.id/